Orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit are just a few of the delicious citrus flavors that people all around the world like.

Citrus is a universe in and of itself.

Exotic Citrus

Citrus is a universe in and of itself. There's always something new to discover, from the popular orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit to the less common mandarin, clementine, yuzu, and tangerine.

Warm weather has arrived, bringing with it a slew of new summer flavors. Citrus flavors are always in high demand during the summer, and they come in more variety than any other fruit category. Classic citrus varieties like orange, lemon, and lime are expected to remain popular this year, but demand for more unusual citrus flavors is on the rise. That's not surprising, given that today's adventurous customer seeks out meals with unique flavors, fragrances, textures, and colors, and exotic citrus selections tick all of these boxes. Persimmon, kaffir lime, pomelo, and other exotic citrus flavors have been popping up in drinks and dishes all over the place. Other tropical flavors, such as passion fruit, pandan, tonka bean, and others, are also in hot demand.

What's being served and how it's being served

One thing that's new in the citrus world is innovative ways to exhibit it. Year-round, roasted citrus fruits are delightfully unexpected and tasty. When citrus fruits, ranging from common oranges and lemons to seasonal blood oranges, pink grapefruits, and more, are roasted, something wonderful happens. While excellent on their own, roasted citrus develops sweeter, somewhat burned overtones, similar to crème Brulee but healthier (important to the growing number of health-conscious consumers).

There are also more candied citrus goods on the market. Citrus that has been candied or crystallized is quickly becoming a must-have item for even the most discerning chefs. Candied citrus is being utilized in a broad variety of tempting ways, from topping cakes to bedecking scones, from jazzing up salads to sweetening trail mix, and from being drizzled in chocolate to garnishing cocktails.

Cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are one of the main ways citrus flavors are being showcased this year. Lemonades can be made with a variety of citrus flavors, including lemon and thyme, lemon and basil, lime and chile, pink grapefruit and green tea, citrus and ginger, and many others.
